The Osseo School District contacted W.L. Hall Company to replace the electric wall for Woodland Elementary School's gymnasium in Brooklyn Park, MN.
The projects W. L. Hall Company completes for the school district are "Turn-Key" projects, meaning the school does not have to provide anything other than access to the space. We provide the demolition, dumpsters, lifts, and of course - a new electrically operated wall.
In our opinion, the Modernfold Acousti-Seal 933E operable wall provided the perfect solution for Woodland Elementary for several reasons:
We customized our installation approach to align with the existing structure. Our team strategically positioned the new track and panels in their designated locations while making essential adjustments to the existing soffit to ensure seamless integration with our system.
The Modernfold 933E wall was installed within the projected time frame and budget. As a result, Woodland Elementary's gymnasium can now be transformed effortlessly in a matter of minutes, allowing for optimal use of the limited space while effectively controlling acoustics.
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