Recently, the Boulay Group (Eden Prairie) decided to move their corporate offices to a new location. One of the issues they had to decide was what to do with their existing Skyfold partition.
Andrew Zabowski, Space Management salesman extraordinaire, suggested that they just move the Skyfold they purchased when they moved into their previous location several years ago.
Thanks to close coordination with Gardner Builders (Contractor), W. L. Hall Company was able to make sure the existing Skyfold would fit perfectly in the new space. The removal and reinstallation took only a week.
When you buy the most innovative operable wall system on the planet, leaving it behind when moving to a new space can be traumatic. The good news is that with the proper planning, and a little help from Skyfold’s Engineering Department, you won’t have to.
Skyfold | The Acoustic Leader in Vertically Folding Retractable Walls Revolutionizing | How You Design Spaces
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