With a rich history spanning over seven decades, the W. L. Hall Company has consistently been the leading provider of top-notch exterior and interior building systems across the Upper Midwest. Our unwavering commitment to excellence has not only established us as a trusted name in the industry but also earned us a legacy of over 15,000 successful projects.
Our team of seasoned professionals brings a wealth of expertise and a comprehensive approach to every stage of your project. From meticulous designs and thorough calculations to comprehensive budgets and precise specifications, we leave no stone unturned to ensure flawless execution from conception to completion. This comprehensive approach instills confidence that your project is in the best hands.
As the leading commercial building contractor in Minnesota, Wisconsin, North Dakota, South Dakota, and neighboring regions, we cater to diverse industries with specialized solutions tailored to their unique needs. We also offer invaluable design and fabrication guidance, reliable aftermarket service, and repair support.
Our in-house union installation labor completes all our projects to ensure the installation matches our products' quality.
For a FREE consultation today, call
As the foremost skylight contractor in the Upper Midwest, we specialize in enhancing spaces with our expert installation of glass skylights and translucent panels.
Our solutions are designed to elevate your environment's aesthetics and promote sustainability, wellness, and cost-efficiency.
Our extensive selection of glass and glazing systems is tailored to meet the diverse needs of architectural projects, spanning a wide array of aesthetics, intricacies, and functional specifications.
Our portfolio encompasses everything from decorative textured glass panels to high-performance thermal solutions. Each system is engineered to balance visual appeal with practical requirements, whether it's maximizing natural light transmission, enhancing energy efficiency, or providing superior acoustic insulation.
We take pride in our ability to tailor the installation of canopies, walkway covers, and trellis systems to precisely match the unique requirements of every project.
Our expertise spans across a variety of sectors including commercial, retail, educational, corporate, and healthcare facilities, ensuring that each installation is meticulously customized for optimal functionality and aesthetic appeal.
With our systems, you can achieve consistent aesthetics throughout entire spaces, while also enjoying design flexibility.
Count on us to provide comprehensive security, fire, and smoke solutions to safeguard your facility in case of a fire.
Our range of systems is sourced from
top-tier manufacturers.
Elevate and redefine the design of your space with our premier space management systems, offering enhanced aesthetics, improved space utilization and flexibility.
Our precisely tailored access flooring installations are driven by close collaboration with our clients to ensure perfect alignment with your vision.
Contact us for Interior Finish Systems and experience virtually boundless design possibilities & finishes.
At W. L. Hall Company, we offer unparalleled after-sales service for interior building project systems.
As the leading provider of exterior and interior building systems in the Upper Midwest, we have a proven track record of success with over 75 years of experience and more than 15,000 projects completed.
Trust us to deliver the ideal solution for your design project. Get started with just a click below.
Discover our Wide-Ranging Portfolio of Collaborative Projects with Renowned Architects, Contractors, Owners, & Facility Managers
We furnish & install everything
Top-notch professional company
Family and locally owned
Estimates provided in 1-3 business days
Warranties available
Call for details
Prompt return on your call
W. L. Hall Company provides pre-construction design-assist collaboration services, bringing your designs to reality while delivering substantial advantages in terms of cost, design, and project scheduling.
With over 75 years of experience in delivering exceptional projects for clients, our team has extensive expertise in:
• Defining the project scope
• Design strategy flexibility
• Recommending optimal products
• Identifying potential conflicts / issues & concerns
• Planning and scheduling
• Full thermal modeling
• Cost estimation
Streamline Your Project and Cut Costs with Our Pre-Construction Design Service
By involving W. L. Hall Company early in your project, you can expect to see significant cost, design, and schedule benefits. With our extensive knowledge of our products, we can assist you in all aspects of your project, from design and budgeting to specifications and scheduling.
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and discuss your project needs: call (952) 937-8400 or email sales@wlhall.com."
Discover our Wide-Ranging Portfolio of Collaborative Projects with Renowned Architects, Contractors, Owners, & Facility Managers
New Paragraph
W. L. Hall Co. - McKeon Door Co.
W. L. Hall Co. - Smoke Guard Co.
W. L. Hall Co. - Tate Access Floors
W. L. Hall Co. - Syntegra USA
Please Call Us To Request A Consultation Or Complete Our Form Here.
71 Rushmore Lane
Hartford, WI 53027
Main: (612) 916-9131
Fax: (952) 937-9126
Glass & Glazing · Translucent Panel & Skylight Systems · Canopy Systems · Specialty Security, Fire & Smoke Door Systems · Space Management Systems · Raised Access Flooring Systems
Specialty Ceiling Systems · Fire & Smoke Door Testing
Interior Building Products Service · Exterior Envelope Service & Inspections
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